Riddersalen / Jytte Abildstrøms Teater: Open House

Here is a real puppet theatre show that all children will love.

Ragnhild remembers one of her birthdays long ago, when Hunni the stuffed dog got lost somewhere in the big dollhouse. She and rag doll Hans search through one room after another.

There is music and there are plenty of surprises. Sorrow and loss turn to happiness before the day is over!

Director: Signe Birkbøll and Charlotte Munksø. Scenography: Tenka Gammelgaard. Actor: Ragnhild Kaasgaard. Puppeteer: Erik Olsen. Author: Signe Birkbøll.

[service_box title=”Venue and tickets” icon=”no” text=”Medborgerhuset ➊
Saturday 7/11 at 12:00 and 15:00
Søndag 8/11 at 13:30″ btn_text=”Køb billetter” btn_link=”http://jmts.billetten.dk/link/eventno/53034″ btn_size=”normal” target=”_blank”]


[service_box title=”Information” icon=”no” text=”Age: 1,5 – 4 år
Language: Danish
Price: 40 kr.
Duration: 40 minutter” btn_size=”normal” target=”_self”]

Festival of Wonder 5. – 8. november 2015