Syddjurs Egnsteater:
In the Blue Mountain

The king desperately desires a child. He finally has a daughter but he must promise that she will not go outside any door before she turns 15 years old. It happens anyway and the princess is ‘kidnapped’ to the blue mountain by a snow storm in the middle of summer.

Of course the king promises half of his kingdom to the person who will bring his daughter back, and the competition begins to be the one to find the princess.

The performance is with big puppets in a simple and ever changing set design.

A tale about courage, decisiveness, and fellowship.

Director: Folmer Kristensen. Scenography: Niels Secher. Light: Maria Pi Houmann. Sound: Tine Vitkov and Troels Drasbeck. Actors: Margit Watt Boelsen and Kenneth Andersson. Playwright: Asbjørnsen and Mo.


[service_box title=”Venue and tickets” icon=”no” text=”Silkeborg Handelsskole ➍
Saturday 7/11 at 15:00
Sunday 8/11 at 11:00″ btn_text=”Buy tickets” btn_link=”″ btn_size=”normal” target=”_blank”]


[service_box title=”Information” icon=”no” text=”Age: 4-10 years
Language: Danish
Price: 40 kr.
Duration: 45 min.” btn_size=”normal” target=”_blank”]

Festival of Wonder 5. – 8. november 2015