Tayuan Puppet Theatre Company: Watershed

Watershed, is a water puppet performance, a new production from Taiyuan Puppet Theatre Company. The show has its European premiere at Festival of Wonder.
In the old days Chinese people would never dream of eating a flounder, as the flounder symbolizes devoted lovers. In Watershed a Taiwanese fisherman has the symbolic role of a person who stands between life and death, a Tao master. Two fish symbolize yin and yang, the eternal connection between life and death, light and dark. ‘Watershed’ is an original work of Taiyuan Puppet Theatre Company, and was inspired by ‘Bimuyu’, a 32 scene long Chuanqi play by Li Yu (1610-1680). (‘Flounder’ from 1661). The text is original, written by Tayuan Puppettheatre Company and the music is an original composition using elements from the 1920s classical KUN opera. On stage are three puppeteers, while all of the text is sung live by a singer accompanied by live music.

Auther: Robin Ruizendaal and Wu Shanshan. Director: Robin Ruizendaal and Wu Shanshan. Puppets: Kathrin Sellin. Puppeteer: Lin Yenchih. Costumes: Kim Siebert. Musik: Snow Huang. Sanger: Klairounette Wu


[service_box title=”Venue and tickets” icon=”no” text=”Den Kreative Skole ➋
Saturday 7/11 at 17:30
Sunday 8/11 at 11:00 and
16:00″ btn_text=”Buy tickets” btn_link=”http://jmts.billetten.dk/link/eventno/53048″ btn_size=”normal” target=”_blank”]


[service_box title=”Information” icon=”no” text=”Age: From 12 years
Language: English
Price: 40 kr.
Duration: ca. 60 minutes” btn_size=”normal” target=”_self”]



Festival of Wonder 5. – 8. november 2015