Backstage Talk: Tayuan Puppettheatre Company, Taiwan

Dr. Robin Ruizendaal, Director of Taiyuan Asian Puppet Theatre Museum in Taipei, guides us through this exciting and exotic Chinese culture.

He shares with us the new interpretations of traditional Asian puppet theatre.

He tells about the famous Taiyuan Asian Puppet Theatre Museum, of which he is director, and about the many traditions of water puppetry, which have existed in Asia for centuries.

Robin Ruizendaal ties this together with the performance, Watershed, which will be shown at Festival of Wonder.

[service_box title=”Venue and tickets” icon=”no” text=”DEN KREATIVE SKOLE ➋
Sunday 8/11 at 12:00-12:45″ btn_size=”normal” target=”_self”]


[service_box title=”Information” icon=”no” text=”Age: Adults
Language: English
Price: Free
Duration: about 45 min.” btn_size=”normal” target=”_self”]

Festival of Wonder 5. – 8. november 2015