Back Stage Talk José Babin: Threads

José Babin is Théâtre Incliné’s artistic director. Both as a stage director and an actress, she explores playwriting through the imagery of scenic writing.

She says:« Threads was built slowly, tackling a disturbing subject with great care. In the name of war, inhumane practices that devastate women’s bodies rage throughout the world. Every day, the Internet, newspapers and magazines tell stories that conjure up revolting images. I am angry. What kind of humanity can be born of such a world? And how to tackle such an issue in a play? I searched for the answer with the weapons I know best: matter, light, music, the body, puppets and with a team of relentless and luminous creators. The very essence rose from the sand, the bodies, the violin and the puppets! The process was also inspired by a cultural mediation project aimed at recently immigrated adults from 29 countries attending French immersion centres in Laval, Quebec. »

Medvirkende: José Babin


[service_box title=”Venue and tickets” icon=”no” text=”Kedelhuset ➏
Saturday 7/11 at 10:00-10:45″ btn_text=”No tickets needed” btn_size=”normal” target=”_self”]


[service_box title=”Information” icon=”no” text=”Age: Adults
Language: English
Price: Free
Duration: Max. 45 min.” btn_size=”normal” target=”_self”]

Festival of Wonder 5. – 8. november 2015