Theatre Antamapantahou:
Strings of Music

The Strings of Music is a lovely concert with a wealth of marionettes, masterfully manipulated by two puppeteers/actors.

A true family production which can be enjoyed by all ages.

The concert’s orchestra consists of a folk music percussionist, an Asian belly dancer, an accordion player, a gypsy singer, three classical violinists, a guitarist, a drummer from “The Strings” Rock band, a violin player and a country singer.


[service_box title=”Venue” icon=”no” text=”Den Kreative Skole ➋
Thursday 5/11 at 16.30
Saturday 7/11 at 16:00
Sunday 8/11 at 13:30″]


[service_box title=”Information” icon=”no” text=”Age: all
Language: Nearly non verbal
Price: Free (no ticket)
Duration: 50 min.” btn_size=”normal” target=”_self”]

Festival of Wonder 5. – 8. november 2015